By Sherin Shefik

That day
When the veils between your world
And mine
Were thin.
That day
You invited me to be your Queen
And I hummed
That day
You gave me permission to
Run my fingertips over your bark
Exploring those wounds and scars
You wear with such sturdy grace.
That day
You pulled me close
And my heart chakra
Unfurled like a fern as we connected
Pouring into you like spilled green paint.
That day
You showed me how there was absolutely
No reason to rush
As we bathed in the glory of
Your one thousand years of
Slow and steady and strong.
That day
You peered into my soul
And did not judge me
Nor assess which bits of me you liked and
Which bits you would change
You just accepted me whole.
With all my imperfections.
That day
I will never forget.