Bare feet on earth
Under the oak tree
Wind kissing my skin
Layers peeling away
The magician unravelling
The expectations
The disease of productivity
The ‘over busy’ as a badge of worthiness
You see
It disturbs the status quo
And I let myself be disturbed
Ancient whispering in my blood
my bones
My whole body becomes an ear
And I can hear
Blowing the cobwebs
the tightness
the pain
the tension
Out of the muddy bottom of my deep well
Everything is unravelling
I am remembering my cyclical nature
The magic wand
Bends from straight
Into a circle
Into her natural way
The woman’s way
I do not resist death
But invite it in with open arms
Spaciousness seeping into billions of cells

And life starts to arrive
Pushing through the earth with
Gentleness and resilience
With delicacy and strength
With sensuality and power
Not knowing
Diary stays open
Allowing unchartered territory to remain
Don’t need to map it out
Don’t need to control it
Don’t need a detailed plan
Feeling the freedom of growth
Inevitable growth
Trusting in the cycle of it all
Planets nudging
Us to midwife a new age
The lemurian crystal aiding this midwifery
Buried under the great oceans
Helping us remember
Love is the source of everything
That the higher self - the priestess - is within us all
Constant death of self and ego
Faith in the great unravelling
So we can be found
And found again
And found again.

Second photo by @summersvision